Assignment 2: Server-Side Processing with HTTP - Part II
In this assignment you will build some tools that will allow people to open new accounts with the fictitious company HandyRides. You will also evaluate the tools that you develop. In particular, you should:
Write and test your code to register participants in your event and to create a database for HandyRides to begin to find and match ride sharers. See the Lab2 "ReadMe" file and Chenyi's notes for more details. Code snippets are in the Lab2Code folder .
Describe the elements that would need to be added or changed before this system could be put into production.
Describe the major shortcomings of traditional HTTP servers for this kind of application.
Describe the major shortcomings of using a standard WWW browser as a client for this kind of application.
You may use any books or notes at your disposal, but you and your partner should work entirely on your own.
You may also opt to use MySQL through PHPMyAdmin and PHP for your database in lieu of the Java portion of this assignment. This will be discussed in precept and you should get started early if it is the case.